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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

'Hello..Zul ade???'

Kriinnggg .. Kriinnggg ..
My home phone rings ..

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello? Zul ado?
Me: Sapo neh?
Caller: Kawe dyo..
Me: Zul duk beghok !! Haha

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello? Zul ade?
Me: Sape neh?
Caller: Kawan dye..
Me: Zul tengah berak !! Haha

and my lil brother will come running out of his chair in front of the computer or
out from his room with a 'aku-sangat-geram-kat-mulut-kakak-aku-yg-nakal-ini' face..
Hahahahaha.. Padan muke adek aku! Sape suh malas jawab fon haa?? Haaaa??

Hahaha..yup! Itu memang hobby aku la kalau jawab fon then yg tukang kol nye
kawan adek aku.. Huish! Menyirap darah aku.. Yg adek aku tu pon satu.. 
Malas sangat nak jawab sape suh..

Len kali..aku nak jawab camneh lak..

Me: Hello?
Caller: Hello? Zul ade?
Me: Sape neh?
Caller: Kawan dye..
Me: Zul?? Haa? Sape tuuu?? Hahaha

Lepas neh..mesti adik aku tobat dah xbagi aku jawab fon umah..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Macam terasee jeewwppp.. Miss him.

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